Yoga Tools and Techniques to Enhance Your Practice

Written by Guest Author Sheila Johnson


Yoga innovations have changed the way that many of us do yoga. Tools and technology can help you safely explore new types of yoga or work toward more challenging poses. Some props can even help you deepen your stretches and get more out of every pose. Many people also use yoga tools to achieve correct alignment and challenge their muscles to work harder. Here are some ways you can use these tools to enhance your yoga practice.


Take Advantage of Technology

 If your regular yoga sessions take place in a studio, try switching things up and taking your practice home. You can find all kinds of yoga apps to add to your smartphone. From five-minute office yoga sessions to lengthy, challenging classes for experienced yogis, there’s an app out there for anyone. Download a couple of apps that align with your yoga goals. The best part? You can bring your guided practice anywhere, including giving yourself an extra mental health boost by taking your practice outdoors!

Other tech tools can help you maintain your practice while on vacation or traveling for work. A portable streaming player allows you to follow your favorite yoga instructors on the TV in your hotel room or vacation rental, and usually, you can even use mobile apps to turn your phone into a stand-in remote


Try Incorporating Yoga Straps

Yoga straps are durable, non-elastic belts that come in a variety of colors, materials, and lengths. There are many different ways to incorporate yoga straps into your practice. Try using straps to deepen your poses or extend the reach of your arms. For example, Yogi Surprise recommends using a yoga strap to stretch tight hamstrings and hips in poses that involve extending a leg straight out. A strap will help you avoid overstretching your muscles to prevent injuring those tighter areas. You can also use a yoga strap to maintain proper alignment in challenging poses or restorative sequences.


Make Use of Blocks

A yoga block is another popular yoga prop among beginners and seasoned yogis alike. Blocks can be used in standing poses, like Half Moon pose and Extended Triangle pose, to bring the floor to you and help you find balance. Yogis also use yoga blocks to stretch the back and open up the chest. If your calves or hamstrings are tight, sit on a block when doing seated forward bends. For a challenge, try placing yoga blocks under your feet or hands in your regular practice. This will force your muscles to work harder to keep yourself balanced.


Upgrade Your Mat

If you’ve been thinking about getting a new yoga mat recently, consider one with alignment lines. A few companies have created yoga mats featuring visual guides to help you find proper alignment and keep your body centered in various poses. These mats sport simple lines and shapes to help you find the perfect spot to place your hands and feet in different poses, so you can spend less time adjusting your alignment and more time focusing on your breath and movement.


Get a Meditation Cushion

Combining yoga with meditation is a wonderful way to enhance the relaxing effects of your practice. There are many ways to incorporate meditation into your yoga sessions. For example, you can try implementing meditation techniques like body scanning, breath awareness, and chanting while you’re in relaxing yoga poses—Lotus pose, Thunderbolt pose, and Easy pose work well with meditation. A meditation cushion called a zafu can help you maintain good posture and keep you comfortable during your meditation sessions.

Taking your yoga practice to the next level means thinking outside the studio. Try out new things at home with the help of online guides and popular yoga props. Importantly, try not to feel confined to the teachings or advice of any single yoga instructor. Yoga should make you feel good, so try different things and customize your practice until it feels rewarding and beneficial to you!

Amanda Gay